Job Opening

Position: Youth Director

Hours: The Youth Director at FFUMC is a part-time salaried employee of the church, working an estimated 20 hours per week. It is understood that with the nature of Youth Ministry, much of the work happens outside the walls of the church. Hours and how they are served are negotiated with the Senior Pastor, the Youth Council, and SPRC.

Purpose: Assists the Senior Pastor in managing the ministry and vision of the congregation, shares a common commitment to the mission of the Church, and provides spiritual leadership to the congregation and youth, and serves to address the spiritual needs of youth (of our church and of the community) so that they may grow in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

  • Evidence of passion for Youth Ministry.
  • General knowledge of Youth development.
  • Experience in effective ministry leadership is desirable.
  • A college degree in a related field such as teaching, counseling, etc. is
  • desirable.
  • Ability to communicate effectively with people of all ages.
  • Ability to organize programs and activities and to activate responsibilities
  • with a minimum of supervision and follow-up.
  • Commitment to the United Methodist Church, accepting its Doctrinal
  • Standards, Disciplines, and Authority.
  • No medical condition that would prevent carrying out duties of the job.
  • Christian qualities of faith, life, and practice.

Responsibilities including, but not limited to:
  • Participates in the leadership of worship in the congregation on a regularly scheduled basis or as directed by the Senior Pastor.
  • Plans and develops avenues for worship, spiritual direction, support, growth, fellowship, and service opportunities for youth of FUMC (such as Sunday school, Bible studies, Mission Trips, retreats, special youth worship services, youth outings, etc.).
  • Participates in ministries for youth in the community (such as First Priority, See You at the Pole, etc.)
  • Demonstrates support for youth by attending their ball games, programs, school activities, etc.
  • Attends worship services and encourages youth to be involved in corporate worship.
  • Works actively to engage parents and volunteers in the Youth Program.
  • Develops programs to promote growth in worship attendance and outreach activities.
  • Teaches and/or assists Sunday School Teachers as needs arise.
  • Maintains regular communication with youth, parents of youth and volunteers.
  • Provides church secretary with promotional materials and publicity for the Youth Program.
  • Orders curriculum materials and literature/supplies as needed to fulfill the educational needs of the Youth Program within budgetary allowances.
  • Prepares and submits an annual budget to the Finance Committee.
  • Participates in staff meetings.
  • Attends Church Council meetings, providing input on status of the Youth Program.
  • Maintains confidentiality of relations and records.
  • Performs other tasks as may be requested from time to time.
  • Reads and becomes familiar with the Employee Personnel Manual and
  • adheres to the policies contained therein.
  • Consents to a background check.
  • Ensures adherence to Church’s Safe Sanctuary Policy.

Accountability: To the Senior Pastor and SPRC.

Date: Effective August 1, 2017
Revision Date: December 2024
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